Shapes of Grief

Grief and Loss Training Programme

Shapes of Grief is the most comprehensive online grief training course for professionals and volunteers supporting bereaved people.

This website was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Shapes of Grief and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

Loss, bereavement and grief are inevitable parts of life. Each of us, at some point, will experience the deep emotional impact of losing something or someone we care about – whether it’s the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, or the loss of a way of life. While these experiences can be difficult, they are also a part of the human condition. However, in times of extraordinary circumstances such as International Armed Conflict or natural disasters, these losses and bereavements can be shocking and overwhelming.

What the Programme Covers

This in-depth programme delves into a wide range of topics including understanding the many types of loss and diverse ways we experience grief. Coping strategies are explored, as well as skills and knowledge required to confidently support others who are grieving. This programme provides proven tools to guide others through their grieving process with sensitivity and compassion, to strive for the best possible bereavement outcomes. Best of all, it will also help professionals and volunteers to cope with their own grief and loss experiences.

Who Needs This Course?

For those affected by the huminatarian criris in Ukraine, grief and loss may manifest in many different ways. The emotional toll of death, separation, displacement and the destruction of homes and communities can feel unsurmountable, creating layers of fear, emotional pain and grief, often challenging to navigate. In such situations, support to process and make sense of these emotions becomes critical.

Recognizing this urgent need, we have translated our Grief and Loss Training Programme into Ukrainian, offered free-of-charge to all Ukrainian speakers. This programme has been thoughtfully delivered by a global team of over 25 professional contributors, each bringing their unique expertise to help individuals and communities facing profound loss. Whether you are experiencing grief personally, or you work in a field where you support those who are grieving, this training offers vital tools and insights to understand, process and cope with the many different facets of grief.

  • Health or mental health professionals

  • Humanitarian, non-profit and charitable organisation staff or volunteers

  • Frontline responders

  • Individuals looking for self-help tools

This programme is designed by Shapes Of Grief, with the support of The Irish Red Cross and is offered free-of-charge with funding from the European Union.

With support from the EU4Health programme, a key initiative of the European Commission's Directorate General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE), the IFRC and the 28 National Red Cross Societies in the European Union and European Economic Area are delivering one of the largest responses ever by the Red Cross and Red Crescent network to address mental health challenges in emergencies.

– Liz Gleeson, MA, MSc

Director, Shapes of Grief

“We don't get over grief, we grow around grief. We learn to accommodate it, to adapt to it. Profound loss can change us, forever.”

Access to 4 Courses

A Sample of Course Topics

Theories and Models of Grief and Loss


Who needs Grief Therapy?


An Introduction to Loss and Grief


The Art of Listening


Burnout and Self-Compassion for Caregivers


Ethical Practice in Grief Counseling


Understanding and Supporting Displaced People


Dying, Death, and Grief with Dr. Irvin Yalom


Plus Specialized Topics: Grief and Older People, LGBTQ+ Grief, Perinatal Loss, Sibling Loss, Prolonged Grief Disorder
& More…

Learning Outcomes

For professionals and volunteers alike, this course provides essential skills and knowledge for professional development not taught in other training and degree programs. As people in supportive roles, it also helps our personal development and provides strategies to address burnout. 

  • Understand grief as a normal, adaptive response to loss and part of our common humanity and the profound impact some losses can have on an individual's life.

  • Learn how to acknowledge loss, validate emotions and support individual grief responses compassionately and without judgment.

  • Recognize the possible physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual, and social impact of loss, how this differs for everyone and how to reassuringly validate an individual's grief response.

  • Appreciate the significance of self-care, resilience, and how to avoid burnout. Know our personal limits, when supervision may be needed and the benefits of an ongoing personal reflective practice.

  • Deepen awareness of cultural considerations and how to identify personal biases.

Course Contributors

Dr. Irvin Yalom, Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist & Author

Dr. Margaret Stroebe, Professor & Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Robert Niemeyer, Clinician, Academic & Author

Dr. Susan Delaney, Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Katrin Gerber, Research Psychologist

Dr. Kathryn Mannix, Palliative Care Consultant & Author

Dr. Linda Machin, Author & Grief Researcher

Dr. George Bonanno, Clinical Psychologist, Researcher & Author

Liz Gleeson, Psychotherapist & Grief Specialist

Dr. Mekel Harris, Pediatric & Family Health Psychologist

Dr. Diana Sands, Director of the Bereaved by Suicide Centre for Intense Grief

Dr. Colin Murray Parkes, Psychiatrist, Researcher & Author (Now deceased)

Dr. Kenneth Doka, Professor of Gerontology & Author

Dr. Denis Klass, Professor Emeritus, Clinical Psychologist & Author

Dr. Pauline Boss, Professor Emeritus, Family Psychologist, Family Therapist & Author

& More…

Shapes of Grief

Grief may be an inevitable part of life, but no one should have to walk through it alone. By offering this training free of charge, we hope to provide the Ukrainian people with the knowledge, tools and emotional support they need during these extraordinary times.

Join Us

If you or someone you know is in need of insight and knowledge about loss and grief, we invite you to take part in this 40 hour Grief and Loss Training Programme. It is all pre-recorded and self-paced. You can take the programme in your own time, and revisit the materials over and over again as you need.




Ukrainians have taken the programme 

Of our Ukrainian students feel more confident professionally

Of our Ukrainian students have found the course to be personally beneficial

What our students say about the programme

I can’t express enough how meaningful this course has been for me. The depth and thoughtfulness of the content were truly moving, and I’m confident that it will help not only me but also many Ukrainians who are going through incredibly tough times right now. I’m deeply grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from this.
I was pleasantly surprised by how comprehensively Liz covered all aspects of grieving. Lectures by specialists are combined with lectures by people with life experience. This makes it possible to look at the grieving process from all sides, from different angles. I am incredibly happy to have the opportunity to listen and reflect on such sensitive topics.
It was useful for me to deepen my understanding of self-care. After all, this is the aspect that usually gets neglected for some reason. But, self-care while helping others should always be a priority, especially when offering grief support.
There is a lot of new important and very interesting information on such a complex and deep topic.
This knowledge gives strength, confidence and support in working with people who are grieving.
Thank you for your detailed and comprehensive coverage of the topic of prolonged grief. I am glad to see that there is a strong emphasis on the fact that recovery is possible.

Shapes of Grief

Grief and Loss Training Programme